2 Corinthians 12:9

2 Corinthians 12:9

Sunday, July 5, 2015

How is Your Reflection?

Nobody knows what we're for only what we're against when we judge the woundedWhat if we put down our signs crossed over the lines and love like You did. – Jesus, Friend of Sinners by Casting Crowns

Many of these thoughts have been circling in my head these last few days.  Today God led me to the book of James.  This book is screaming at me so loudly that I just had to share this.  God is asking me to take a good look at my life.  

Here is how James describes followers of Christ:

  1. Wise – 1:5; 3:13-17
  2. Slow to Anger; not hot-tempered – 1:19-20
  3. Knows Scripture – 1:21-22
  4. The words we say BLESS others and DO NOT HARM them – 1:26, 3:5-12, 4:11.  I believe this includes rumors, lying, HATEFUL words, and lashing out at others.
  5. Doesn’t show favoritism between the rich and the poor – 2:1-7.  I believe you can extend this list to include doesn’t show favoritism between not only rich/poor, but race, education, handicaps, you name it.  Treat others with dignity.
  6. Loves others – 2:8.  Love requires ACTION and sacrifice, not empty words.
  7. Looks after the needs of other believers – 2:14-26.
  8. Peacemaker – 3:18
  9. Humble – 4:6-10
  10. Patient – 5:7-8
  11. Prayerful – 5:13-15
  12. Our faith ENDURES trials and is not shaken – 1:2-4

I ask each of you, is this how the rest of the world would describe the Christians that they encounter, especially (dare I say this?!) those of us that live in America?  Because I would answer that question with a big fat “NO.” 

I still remember when Jesus first became real to me.  I had accepted Christ years earlier at age 8, but church was still just something I did because my parents said I had to.  I was in Middle School (which, as a side note can be brutal years for teenage girls and I was no different).  There was a precious Jesus-crazy woman at my church who understood how to love others well.    She held Bible studies in her home.  She wrote me hand written notes of encouragement, some of which I still have today.  She let me call her on the phone when I needed to talk.  I remember one particular instance where she came to a funeral of one of my family members, brought me a change of clothes, and took me back home when I was completely exhausted.  She was willing to do these things and more because she understood that Jesus uses other believers to LOVE.

I attended Bible studies in her home, but I know that I wouldn’t have cared nearly as much about what she had to say about the Bible if she hadn’t shown me with ACTION that she loved Christ.  Her life reflected His love, and the result was that others were drawn to Christ.  A revival happened within my life.  The same thing has happened in my life several times since then and is happening now.  When Jesus wants to draw me closer to Him, most often he sends another believer to LOVE me and whose life will point me to Him.   I am so thankful for the ladies that have been willing, and I pray that I will also share in that blessing.

When did the Body of Christ stop meeting the needs of others?  When did we stop serving others?  When did we start verbally (and sometimes physically) attacking anyone who looks different from us, or is in a different social class, or (gasp!) believes differently than we do?  When did we start valuing the world’s definition of success over God’s definition (see Jeremiah 9:23-24.)? 

I have heard so many comments over the last week about the state of our country and the need for a Revival.  If you want to be part of a Revival, then take a good look at what the Bible says about what our lives should reflect, and WHO our lives should reflect.   If the Body of Christ started LOVING others well, with our ACTIONS , we would start a Revival.  If we would use our words to bless others, we would start a revival.  If we tried to spread peace instead of starting public debates on social media, we would start a revival.  If we quit showing favoritism to people that look and think the same way we do, we would start a revival.  If we prayed for one another, we would start a revival.  If we forgave each other, we would start a revival.

So how do we accomplish this list?  How do we reflect Christ with our lives?  That’s the real beauty of this whole thing.  We simply need to get out of the way!  If you are anything like me, you are selfish all the way to your core.  Christ, however, longs to work in our lives!  Spend your energy thinking about Jesus, and not thinking about others and how they behave or how they think.  The minute we accept Him we are gifted with a new nature (Colossians 3:9-10), the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:37-39), and the POWER of God (Romans 8:11, Ephesians 6:10)!  We are not able to treat others well on our own strength, but only by letting Christ direct our lives and our actions.  Let Jesus fill up your heart with Himself.

“The way we love each other is still the best proof that Jesus is alive. Who we are says a lot about who He is.” –Bob Goff

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.”  --1 Peter 4:8

“Abide in my love.”  --Jesus  (John 15:9)